Our spirituality invites us to be contemplatives in action, which is both energizing and fulfilling.
Imitating Mary, following in the footsteps of blessed Emilie Gamelin, our foundress, and strengthened by our confidence in Providence we go forth to encounter Jesus, whom we love, in all those we meet, especially the needy. Compassion and a spirit of service animate us
Our spirituality is expressed concretely in many ways. It involves actions, such as praying, working among the poor, living a simple life style, usually with companions, putting our goods in common, sharing with the poor, participating with others in decision making for the smooth functionning of the group and many other behaviors.
Doing all these things is very important in the life of a Sister of Providence but behaviors, even good ones, have little spiritual value without an interior life moved by love. It is love which both humanizes and divinizes us and touches the hearts of those we care for. Feeding a hungry person is a good action but done begrudgingly humiliates rather than helps the needy person. One has fed the body but not the soul.
Having Jesus as our model we strive constantly to grow in love that is simple, humble, gratuitous, merciful, patient, and faithful. It is what comes out of the heart that gives meaning and quality to all that we do, however ordinary our actions may seem to be.
If we dare to commit ourselves on a path that is challenging, it is because we believe that the spiritual energy that is the Spirit of Jesus can, with our collaboration, help extend the kingdom of God and gradually transform us so that we become all we are meant to be before God and others.

A scene played by two young Haitians during a celebration to honor Our Mother of Sorrows.